Savor the Flavor: Crab Feast at the Little Sisters of the Poor!
In late July, Rob Lake brought the taste of the Chesapeake Bay to our Home by delivering and then cooking up a bushel of freshly caught crabs! Generously donated by Mitch Lake, Rob’s son, and expertly caught by Dylan Takemori near Solomon’s Island.
The mouthwatering aroma of Old Bay seasoning and freshly steamed crabs filled our auditorium where tables were covered in brown ‘crab pickin’ paper and Residents were decked out in crab-bibs and ready with wooden hammers for a true feast. Corn on the cob, potato salad, shrimp, roast beef – we had it all! Even our non-seafood eaters were delighted. To top it off, several of our Residents enjoyed a refreshing Yingling to complement their meal.
With the sound of laughter, conversations, and wooden mallets banging, Jerry, a Resident of our independent living apartments, said with a huge smile, “This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”
For many, this was their first taste of a classic crab feast, and our team of Volunteers, Little Sisters, and Staff were there to guide them through crab-picking lessons and ensure a memorable experience. You can’t live less than an hour from the bay and not experience a crab feast at least once in your life.
A huge thank you to Mitch, Rob, and Dylan for this deliciously fun experience!